Saturday, November 9, 2013

I have plans for you...

I planted Lincoln Garden Pea seeds on September 8th. They looked decent at first, but then really started to struggle. I realized they were being attacked by cabbage loopers... ugh. A quick Bt spray later, they are bouncing back.

After 4 days out of town, I came home to find my first blossoms!

I am determined that the first solid food to pass into our new Baby Bluebird's mouth will be home-grown, heirloom, non-GMO, organic peas. Cannot wait!

Lincoln Garden Pea
An old-time pea introduced in 1908. High-yielding and tasty, this pea does better than many in warmer weather. The tightly-filled pods are easy to shell, and compact vines are a good choice for small gardens.


  1. How exciting! I bet they will be delicious :)

    1. Thanks! I hope so :-) Fresh peas have got to beat canned any day... right?

  2. Wow... peas.
    I was wondering if we could avoid that spray.

    1. I avoid anything that feels artificial to me as much as I can, but the peas were really suffering and even though I was picking off the caterpillars by hand 2x a day, they were getting into places that I couldn't reach. I read that the Bt spray is very specific to caterpillars and naturally occurring, which made me feel a bit better. I haven't had to spray again since.
